Saturday 11 May 2013


Not that anyone has noticed or cares, but not much has happened in the way of design progress around the apartment. The day job has been super stressful lately and my free time is next to non-existent. 

But oh are there plans. Little to no execution - but there certainly are plans. 

There are plans for a small kitchen facelift. There are plans for the bathroom. There are plans for my bedroom. There are plans for plans to plan for more time for planning. (Read: quit current day job.)

First of all, I have been planning a curtain solution that will span the entire length of our living/dining area wall. For some reason, a previous tenant had installed a series of shelves that are literally no more than 2" deep in the corner of the living room. The shelves are about 8" apart, so they currently house the only books we own that are small enough to fit on the shelf, cover facing forward. I have no idea what the original intention was for these shelves - to display a collection of upward standing pencils maybe? Totally useless. 


They must be concealed.

I would LOVE to cover the whole mess up in a beautiful, beige-ish curtain, running the rest of the length with sheers. Hopefully, this will give the impression that windows actually run the entire span of the wall, and are just covered on one end. It will hopefully also take focus away from the ugly aluminum windows and paint splattered window ledges and radiator covers.


I'm thinking of something textured, like a linen, that will hopefully bring some warmth to the space. I am really wanting to check out IKEA's AINA Curtains, which from pictures I've seen look like they might just fit the bill. I am really looking forward to purchasing some ANUS AINA'S.



Also, there are plans to deal with this:


...plans to take care of this anus that is our balcony.

